[Penrose-discuss] Questions about creating a simple module
Shi Jun Zhang
zhangshj at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Sep 10 00:35:51 PDT 2012
On 9/8/2012 4:02 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
> From
> http://planet.jboss.org/post/java_8_extensible_module_definitions_with_json
> I see that David Bosschaert has added support to penrose builds for json
> modue-info files. This is great since it seems like it would be an easy
> way to insert the necessary json text file into an existing jar to make it
> a module without having to use the latest jigsaw javac to compile the
> module-info.java file. But I am struggling with creating a very simple
> "hello module". My basic assumption is that I could insert a
> module-info.json file into the root of a simple jar file that looked like
> this:
> {
> "module" :
> {
> "name" : "x.test.mod1",
> "version" : "1.0",
> "exports" : [ { "name" : "x.test.mod1"} ]
> }
> }
> But when I do that and follow the quick start guide for jigsaw I get the
> following error trying to add such a jar to the module
> jmod -L mlib install x.test.mod1.jar
> org.openjdk.jigsaw.ConfigurationException: x.test.mod1.jar: not a
> modular JAR file
> Am I doing something wrong? How do I go about creating and running a
> modular JAR with json descriptor with penrose?
> Tom
HI Tom,
"jmod install" command can install a jmod file or a folder contains
compiled module class files. A regular jar file plus a module info file
cannot be installed directly.
You can use the following step to install a "hello module"
1. extract you x.test.modl.jar to a folder. For example, named as "classes"
2. move module-info.json to classes/META-INF/
3. jmod -L mlib install classes x.test.modl
Shi Jun Zhang
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