[Penrose-discuss] Questions about creating a simple module

Thomas Watson tjwatson at us.ibm.com
Mon Sep 10 06:24:59 PDT 2012

> Shi Jun Zhang <zhangshj at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote on 09/10/2012 02:35:51
> HI Tom,
> "jmod install" command can install a jmod file or a folder contains
> compiled module class files. A regular jar file plus a module info file
> cannot be installed directly.
> You can use the following step to install a "hello module"
> 1. extract you x.test.modl.jar to a folder. For example, named as
> 2. move module-info.json to classes/META-INF/
> 3. jmod -L mlib install classes x.test.modl
> --
> Regards,
> Shi Jun Zhang
Thanks Shi Jun Zhang,

Do you have instructions for creating a jmod file using a json module
descriptor?  Is it just a matter of running the proper jpkg command against
the directory "classes" that contains the META-INF/module-info.json file?

  jpkg -m classes jmod x.teset.mod1



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