RFR: 8030035 Create a stable test group in TEST.groups

Balchandra Vaidya balchandra.vaidya at oracle.com
Fri Dec 13 06:35:34 PST 2013


I request to review a change for "8030035 - Create a stable
test group in TEST.groups"


_Background_: The test results [1] for JDK 8 ea build were
produced using a long list of test directories [2] as described
in the test execution instruction [3]. The above proposed
change is taking  advantage of jtreg group [4] feature to
specify collections of tests and, therefore, eliminates the
requirement of maintaining custom test directories [2] for
weekly test execution.

The above change simplify the jdk/test execution to:
        jtreg <jtreg/vm options> :jdk_stable


[1] http://www.java.net/download/jdk8/testresults/testresults.html
[2] http://download.java.net/jdk8/testresults/docs/dir.list
[3] http://download.java.net/jdk8/testresults/docs/howtoruntests.html
[4] http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/command-help.html
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