RISCV port for JDK11u

yangfei at iscas.ac.cn yangfei at iscas.ac.cn
Wed Jul 26 13:18:44 UTC 2023


I would still suggest we sync with jdk11u-dev with which the riscv-port-jdk11u [1] repo is seeded. 
Give the fact that there are only two planned merges from jdk11u-dev to jdk11u for each release, we won't be able to sync with latest jdk11u-dev in a timely manner if we base the work on top of jdk11u. 
This will be a problem especially when there are port-specific changes in upstream jdk11u-dev. I don't think it's a good idea to wait for the two planned merges from jdk11u-dev to jdk11u. 

And it should not be that complex if you want to do a stable released from this riscv-port-jdk11u repo. 
Simply git reset to some 'special' commit like [2] for version 11.0.20. This commit is also there in repos like jdk11u-dev and riscv-port-jdk11u. 
I see there will always be such a commit for each jdk11u update release version. 

[1] https://github.com/openjdk/riscv-port-jdk11u
[2] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk11u/commit/a829804de566fb89ad0fe45d242a09db24a5867c

-----Original Messages-----
From:"Владимир Кемпик" <vladimir.kempik at gmail.com>
Sent Time:2023-07-19 17:57:34 (Wednesday)
To: "Andrew Haley" <aph-open at littlepinkcloud.com>
Cc: riscv-port-dev <riscv-port-dev at openjdk.org>, jdk-updates-dev <jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Subject: Re: RISCV port for JDK11u

Hello.  if the port will be living in separate repo for some time, may I suggest to base it on top of jdk11u? not jdk11u-dev. so a stable builds of risv-ojdk11 could be created without much hassle.  
  regards, Vladimir   

ср, 19 июл. 2023 г., 12:39 Andrew Haley <aph-open at littlepinkcloud.com>:
On 7/10/23 12:36, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> Personally, I suspect that JDK 11u is in maintenance mode and this
> backport would be rejected with 99% probability. Before you invest
> heavily in this work, please get the explicit pre-commitment from
> current JDK 11u maintainers.
> See the Maintainer list here:
>     https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/JDKUpdates/JDK11u

That's right.

On 7/11/23 10:11, Ludovic Henry wrote:
> Similarly to aarch64 port to jdk8u, if a backport to jdk11u is not going to
> happen, we should explore having a long lived riscv-port-jdk8u repository.
> It would make for a central place for the community to contribute, and for
> other vendors to base their distributions on top of (Adoptium,
> Debian/Ubuntu/any Linux distributions, and others).

Exactly so. We should accommodate a RISCV port in the updates repo, but
whether it will ever be integrated into the long-term-stable 11u is
another matter.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https: www.redhat.com="">
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