RISCV port for JDK11u

yangfei at iscas.ac.cn yangfei at iscas.ac.cn
Thu Jul 27 02:45:54 UTC 2023


May I ask whether it's still OK for you to submit your jdk11u backport work to riscv-port-jdk11u repo? 
I think the jdk11u lead maintainer has offered his opinions regarding the possibility of future upstreaming. 
As discussed, it would still make sense to have for a central place like riscv-port-jdk11u repo for the community to cooperate.

Fei Yang

[1] https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/riscv-port-dev/2023-July/001130.html

-----Original Messages-----
From:"Kuai Wei" <kuaiwei.kw at alibaba-inc.com>
Sent Time:2023-07-04 21:43:33 (Tuesday)
To: riscv-port-dev <riscv-port-dev at openjdk.org>
Cc: "李三红(三红)" <sanhong.lsh at alibaba-inc.com>
Subject: RISCV port for JDK11u

Hi team,    
    As discussed in https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/riscv-port-dev/2023-February/000749.html , we have tested riscv port in our local JDK11u repo. And we think it can be ready for CR.     
    I may submit a initial PR which contains the riscv initail load in https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/6294 and revert some unrelated patches for JDK11. When my tests are done, the PR     
    will be sent ASAP.     
    Kuai Wei

</sanhong.lsh at alibaba-inc.com></riscv-port-dev at openjdk.org></kuaiwei.kw at alibaba-inc.com>

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