[security-dev 00012]: Re: BUG: krb5 client leaks UDP, causes failure under load.

Jan Grant jan.grant at bristol.ac.uk
Fri Aug 3 14:46:16 UTC 2007

On Wed, 1 Aug 2007, Seema Malkani wrote:

> Thanks for reporting this issue.
> Apologies, don't know the details of how this report was missed. Sun bug-id
> 6588160 has been created from the webbug that you submitted.
> If you want us to evaluate your patch, please read following webpage on "how
> to contribute to the OpenJDK project" and sign the required agreement.
> http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/
> Seema

Thanks for the prompt response. My contributor agreement should be with 
you now - just faxed through: Jan Grant, University of Bristol, and it's 
signed by James Lancaster (who's our head of technology transfer).


jan grant, ISYS, University of Bristol. http://www.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44 (0)117 3317661   http://ioctl.org/jan/
Rereleasing dolphins into the wild since 1998.

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