[security-dev 00232]: Re: NullPointerException at sun.security.ssl.OutputRecord.writeBuffer

Brad Wetmore Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 9 16:34:26 UTC 2008

Hi Kanatoko,

This is Brad Wetmore, I am the Security group Moderator.

I need to remind you of one of the OpenJDK policies.  We can not accept 
source contributions without a signed copy of the Sun Contribution 
Agreement in place.  This is done for your protection as well as the 
Sun's and the OpenJDK community's.

Please see the following link for more information:


The Signatories of the SCA are eligible to donate code to all products 
and projects owned or managed by Sun:  signing it once means you can 
contribute code to any Sun-sponsored open source project.

I didn't see your name on the list, so I need to let you know that we 
can't accept your change yet.  On the other hand, in looking over the 
followup discussion you had with Andrew, what you're discussing may be 
an indication of a different problem, so this contribution is probably 
not the right fix anyway.  Andrew will continue to look into it.

Discussions of the problem are fine, it's just the source that we can't 
take at this point.



Kanatoko wrote:
> Here is a patch.
> This issue is really important to me. Please merge this.
> *** src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/OutputRecord_orig.java   2008-07-09 01:54:02.000000000 +0900
> --- src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/OutputRecord.java        2008-07-09 01:53:50.000000000 +0900
> ***************
> *** 311,316 ****
> --- 311,317 ----
>        */
>       void writeBuffer(OutputStream s, byte [] buf, int off, int len)
>               throws IOException {
> +       if(s == null) return;
>           s.write(buf, off, len);
>           s.flush();

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