[security-dev 00289]: Heads up: Bad changeset rollback

Brad Wetmore Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 3 20:08:38 UTC 2008

Last night there was a changeset introduced to the JSN gate that 
contained an incorrect changeset comment.  Rather than pollute the 
changeset history for everyone, we're going to rollback this changeset, 
and have the author redo his changeset and push.

Since this problem was noticed within 10 minutes, most of the Sun folks 
know of the problem.  If you did happen to pull since 12:55 am this 
morning, please rollback your changeset if possible.  This will tell you 
if you have the changeset in your jdk directory.

     % cd <your-ws>/jdk
     % hg log -r 6ecad8bfb1e5

If it's really difficult for you to rollback, we'll rethink this decision.

Mark will be doing this in the next hour or so.


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