[security-dev 00303]: Re: ECC pkcs#11 bug

Brad Wetmore Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 11 23:43:44 UTC 2008

Hi Lars,

 > I have created a patch that is fixing the problem:

This is Brad Wetmore, I am the Security group Moderator, and also the 
person who will be handling this when I get back to working on the Java 
ECC implementation.

Unfortunately, I can't take your source contribution yet without a 
signed copy of the Sun Contribution Agreement in place.  This is done 
for your protection as well as the Sun's and the OpenJDK community's.

Please see the following link for more information:


The Signatories of the SCA are eligible to donate code to all products 
and projects owned or managed by Sun:  signing it once means you can 
contribute code to any Sun-sponsored open source project.

If you have recently signed it and it hasn't yet appeared in our 
database yet, just let me know.

Discussions of the problem is fine, it's just the source that we can't 
take at this point.



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