[security-dev 01466]: code review request (6906201: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in sun.security.krb5.Credentials)

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Mon Dec 14 08:43:44 UTC 2009

Hi Valerie

Please take a review on this fix:


As the MIT words says, the MS bug was fixed in Vista SP2. However, I  
tried it on a Vista SP1 and it seems the bug is already fixed there.  
Therefore I only check the main version number in the fix, and anyone  
still seeing the crash is advised to update to the latest SP no matter  
what OS he is using.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
> sun.security.krb5.Credentials
> *Change Request ID*: 6906201

Running windows-i586 Java on a 64 bit Windows crashes when trying to  
access the LSA cache:

> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d9b1b2f,  
> pid=3624, tid=4876
> #
> # JRE version: 6.0_17-b04
> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing  
> windows-x86 )
> === *Evaluation*  
> =============================================================
> This is a known Windows bug:
> Microsoft Windows XP64 and 2003 64-bit edition do not properly  
> implement the LSA Kerberos functionality within the WOW64 32-bit  
> compatibility environment.  As a result, calling the LSA functions  
> within WOW64 causes the Kerberos 5 library to crash. Microsoft has  
> fixed this problem as of Windows Vista Beta 2.
> See http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/kfw-3.2/kfw-3.2.2/relnotes.html#mslsa
> Either switch to 64bit JRE if you are using the OS above, or, do not  
> turn on the useTicketCache option.
> Consider adding a check to JRE.

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