[security-dev 00626]: Re: SNI support in JSSE
Michael Tandy
michaeltandy at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 27 10:21:10 UTC 2009
>> Would you foresee any problems with ClientHandshaker getting the
>> server's name from Handshaker.getHostSE() ?
> For a SSLSocket, if it is created with a explicit hostname (such as
> SSLSocketFactory.createSocket("the-target-server.sun.com", 443)), the
> Handshaker.getHostSE() will return the explicit hostname, otherwise (such as
> SSLSocketFactory.createSocket(InetAddress addr, int port)), will try to get
> it from a the local system configured name server according to IP address,
> if cannot get a resolved name, IP address will be use.
Isn't getHostSE() what ClientHandshaker passes to
X509ExtendedTrustManager to verify the certificate matches the
So if we connect to a server by IP address, and it returns a
certificate which doesn't match the resolved name, won't that cause a
CertificateException anyway?
In other words, if we request the certificate corresponding to the
resolved name, doesn't that mean we are requesting the only
certificate which doesn't cause a CertificateException?
>> What would be your opinion about including client support but
>> not server support?
> It's fine. But I have a question, how could you enable the SNI extension for
> a client? Do you want to enable it all the time?
I was thinking we could enable it all the time - it's standard
behaviour so servers shouldn't have a problem with it. Firefox, for
example, always sends it.
Otherwise, we could add a ProtocolVersion for SNI so users can enable
or disable it with setEnabledProtocols. That way we wouldn't need a
new public API.
What do you think?
>> There's also the issue that using ProtocolVersion SSL20Hello (which is
>> on in the default ProtocolList) breaks SNI support because the 2.0
>> hello message doesn't support hello extensions.
> Maybe we need to make improvement, when enabled extensions, the SSLv2Hello
> should be disabled. Will look into this.
>> So if you're using
>> (for example) an SSLSocketFactoryImpl, to get SNI support you have to
>> wrap it in another SSLSocketFactory to call setEnabledProtocols on
>> each SSLSocket and disable SSL20Hello. An example of this situation is
>> using an HttpsURLConnection. I guess it would be OK to ask users who
>> wanted SNI support to do that, though. What do you think?
> Yes, need to disable SSLv2Hello. But you can also choose to disable
> SSLv2Hello when enabling SNI extension in the implementation.
> Andrew
>> Michael Tandy
>> Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>> It is appreciate you'd like to investigate it.
>>> If you need more information about the current framework of TLS/JSSE,
>>> please refer to JSSE reference guide[7]:
>>> Currently, there is no way to define a plug-in-able extension(that's my
>>> plan in a long run), so if one want to implement a extension, he has to
>>> hard-coded the handshaking, on both client side[1] and server side[2].
>>> For SNI, there are requirements:
>>> 1. For the client side, it meight need a public API in order to set the
>>> peer hostname, otherwise get the host name from the request URI.
>>> 2. For the server side, the simplest case is to choose a trust
>>> certificate for the requested hostname.
>>> 3. For virtual host and virtual machine, the server would like forward
>>> IP or proxy a connection to the virtual one, so one need to define a
>>> callback in order to provide the flexibility that the users could
>>> customized their behaviors while getting a SNI extension.
>>> In order to meet those requirements on the current framework, one should:
>>> 1. modify the clientHello HandshakeMessage [3], support the SNI
>>> extensions.
>>> 2. modify the trust manager[4] and the key manager[5], get them select
>>> the proper certificate according to the SNI.
>>> 4. modify the ClientHandshaker[1] and ServerHandshaker[2].
>>> 3. add new public API to SSLSocket, or a SSL parameter to SSLSocket[6],
>>> indicate what behaviors should be taken when get such a SNI extension.
>>> However, because it is not possible to add a new public API at JDK7,
>>> maybe you need to hard coded the behaviors while get a SNI at
>>> Serverhandshaker.[2].
>>> JDK 6 have support ECC extension, I think maybe you could get some hints
>>> from there.[8][1][2]
>>> Thanks,
>>> Xuelei
>>> [1]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ClientHandshaker.java
>>> [2]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker.java
>>> [3]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/HandshakeMessage.java#ClientHello
>>> [4]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/X509TrustManagerImpl.java
>>> [5]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/X509KeyManagerImpl.java
>>> [6]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket.java
>>> [7]:
>>> http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html
>>> [8]:
>>> http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/HandshakeMessage.java
>>> <http://www.jiema.org/xref/openjdk/jdk7/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/HandshakeMessage.java#ClientHello>
>>> Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>> No, and there is no plan to support it at jdk7 at present.
>>>> Xuelei
>>>> Richard Stupek wrote:
>>>>> Is SNI (Server name indication) slated to be in JDK7?
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