[security-dev 00636]: Re: help me please
Brad Wetmore
Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Sat Feb 28 21:22:05 UTC 2009
>> Indeed I have seen that jvm 1.6.1 distribution contains a “src” folder
>> which includes source code for java API,
>> But I don`t know whether it contains c++ source for jvm itself or not.
If you look at the source for OpenJDK, which is what the SunJDK is based
on, please see the JDK7 project at:
That will give you the source for the hotspot JVM, plus the Java
libraries and tools. The C++ JVM files you're looking for are there.
Xuelei Fan wrote:
> michel wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> Two days ago, I sent you and email asked some questions about jvm and
>> its source.
>> But nobody answered me.
> It really does not look like a question about security. ;-)
>> I am at a critical opportunity and I need to know answer to those
>> questions because I
>> Am defining my final project on this topic and I should check its
>> feasibility before delivering my proposal
>> So some one guide me on this please.
>> I have brought my old mail in the following
>> Hi every body,
>> I am new to your group, and I have some questions about jvm and its
>> security model.
>> I want to intercept method calls or object creation in jvm and do call
>> some os library before it, now I would like to
>> Know if I can do this by JNI(java native interface).
> Yes, you can. One approach, writing your own/your customized class
> loader, call what ever you want by JNI if you want. Please refer to [1]
> for a sample.
>> Indeed I have seen that jvm 1.6.1 distribution contains a “src” folder
>> which includes source code for java API,
>> But I don`t know whether it contains c++ source for jvm itself or not.
> Why not unzip and look into the "src'? You will find whatever inside.
>> Any way I am going to have some manipulation on jvm security
> Welcome!
>> but I don`t know where to start from.
> Security is a big concept, and covers many fields. Including sandbox,
> access control, authentication, etc. What's your interested tech? I
> would like you have to look at our guides[2], where describes the most
> of the aspect of java security.
> Xuelei
> [1]:
> http://java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/Security/Fundamentals/magercises/ClassLoader/help.html
> [2]: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/index.html
>> Thanks before.
>> Best Regards,
>> Michel.
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