[security-dev 00724]: Re: Request for comment: How to enable credentials delegation in HTTP Negotiate?

Michael McMahon Michael.McMahon at Sun.COM
Mon Mar 30 16:47:36 UTC 2009


One question. Would this mechanism work for any possible GSS security 
In other words, is all the information you need encapsulated inside a single
GSSCredential object?

Also, java.net.Authenticator was designed very much for the original 
HTTP authentication
schemes (Basic and Digest) which is why it has all these methods for getting
the hostname, port, domain "prompt" string etc and NTLM more or less 
fits in with
this API as well.

So, this is a different way of doing it, where a pre-established 
credential is used
instead of a user being prompted to provide a username and password based
on the parameters supplied by the protocol.

At the very least, there would have to be a way to distinguish between 
these two
modes of operation. But I am wondering if a separate class might be more 
(GSSAuthenticator). So, HttpURLConnection could check if a 
GSSAuthenticator exists
then it would probe that object for the credential. otherwise it would 
fall back to
the existing approach

One problem with extending Authenticator is that the plugin has a fixed 
implementation, that only handles usernames and passwords, and it might not
want to use this new mechanism.

- Michael

Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
> Ping again, any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Max
> On Nov 25, 2008, at 3:01 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> Hi All
>> The current implementation of HTTP Negotiate authentication has not
>> enabled credential delegation (it simply acquires a new one using either
>> a cached TGT or username/password from Authenticator). This means that
>> in a multi-tier application, a middle tier cannot start an HTTP request
>> (to the backend server) on behalf of the client.
> Currently, java.net.Authenticator can only authenticate using a 
> username/password pair, but cannot use an established credential.
>> I'm suggesting the following updates:
>> 1. In java.net.Authenticator, add 2 methods
>>    protected GSSCredential getGSSCredential() { // To be overrided
>>        return null;
>>    }
>>    public static GSSCredential requestGSSCredential() {
>>        Authenticator a = theAuthenticator;
>>        if (a == null) {
>>            return null;
>>        } else {
>>            return a.getGSSCredential();
>>        }
>>    }
>> 2. In the implementation of the HTTP Negotiate auth scheme
>> (sun.net.www.protocol.http.NegotiatorImpl),
>>    GSSCredential deleg = Authenticator.requestGSSCredential();
>>    context = manager.createContext(serverName,
>>                                    oid,
>>                                    deleg,   // this used to be null
>>                                    GSSContext.DEFAULT_LIFETIME);
>> Then, when an application developer is creating a GSS server that wants
>> to start an HTTP request using a delegated credential, she can write:
>>    // establish the GSSContext
>>    final GSSCredential deleg = context.getDelegCred();
>>    Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
>>            @Override
>>            protected GSSCredential getGSSCredential() {
>>                return deleg;
>>            }
>>    });
>>    new URL("http://somewhere").openConnection().getInputStream();
>> What's your comment?
>> Thanks
>> Max

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