[PATCH FOR REVIEW]: Improve error output for NSS provider

Bradford Wetmore bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
Fri Apr 16 17:44:43 UTC 2010

> You're correct.  I should have made it clearer in the initial e-mail,
> though I did ask if it was ok to push it to tl which is 7 only.  The
> patch does apply to both, so I'll ask Joe Darcy about backporting it
> once it's in 7.

I would imagine it would be no problem at all.  I'll be happy to review
it again.

> Thanks.  These are all the values used by the current version of NSS
> (3.12.3 IIRC).

We usually don't include draft values, unless they have gained wide
usage already.

> Thanks.  Pushed: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/tl/jdk/rev/c444651077d2

I'll move to Fix available when I get to our internal network (still
working at home).

>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/nss/webrev.01/jdk.patch
>> Specifying just the top level of the webrev is preferred.
> Whoops!  Sorry, I usually do post the right URL.  Must have copied the
> wrong one.

No problem, partly my fault too.  I usually use SFRAMES where the
change's full context is available.  I didn't think to take off the last
component of the URL until I was mostly done.

Thanks for fixing that.


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