code review request: 6856069 PrincipalName.clone() does not invoke super.clone()

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Wed Apr 21 10:53:18 UTC 2010


Good catch to find this bug!

Some comments:
1) I don't get why salt now becomes transient. I don't see that it has
    any effect on how the object is cloned and class is not Serializable.

2) You should be able to remove L128 in the new file. The cloned object
    will have same value for nameType, and since it is a primitive there
    shouldn't be an issue.

3) You should be able to replace the arraycopy with nameStrings.clone().
    The array elements are immutable Strings, right?


On 21/04/2010 04:56, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Hi
> Anyone can review this code change?
> Thanks
> Max
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *Change Request ID*: 6856069
>> *Synopsis*: PrincipalName.clone() does not invoke super.clone()
>> === *Description* ============================================================
>> PrincipalName's clone() method does not invoke super.clone(), and it has a child class ServiceName. This means the clone of a ServiceName object is not of type ServiceName.
>> See "Effective Java" Item 10.
>> *** (#1 of 1): 2009-06-30 07:34:10 GMT+00:00 at

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