Please Review: required security algorithms for Java SE 7 implementations

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Wed Dec 15 15:11:11 UTC 2010


Currently, the Java security APIs do not specify algorithm requirements for 
implementations of Java SE. This makes it difficult to develop conformance 
tests. Additionally, there is no guarantee that Java applications using these 
algorithms can inter-operate. See bug 5001004 for more information:

We will be addressing this issue in Java SE 7 by defining a list of required 
algorithms that all implementations must support. This is the criteria we used 
to decide if an algorithm should be required:

a) the algorithm is required by the JRE itself (ex: when validating signed jars)
b) the algorithm is required by a higher level Java SE API such as JSSE/TLS or 
XML Signature
c) the algorithm is in wide use

Please review the following list:

For each required algorithm, a corresponding section will be added to the API 
class summary of the applicable engine class. For example, for, the following paragraph will be added:

     Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the
     following standard CertificateFactory type:

         * X.509

     This type is described in the CertificateFactory section of the Java
     Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Names Document. Consult
     the release documentation for your implementation to see if any other
     types are supported.

We are requesting feedback or any questions by December 22.


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