review request for 7005608: diamond conversion of JCA and crypto providers
Kelly O'Hair
kelly.ohair at
Fri Dec 24 02:29:55 UTC 2010
On Dec 23, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
> On 12/23/2010 12:58 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On 12/23/10 12:40 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>> On 12/22/10 6:17 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
>>>> You need to update the Copyright updates on these files to
>>>> include 2010.
>>> Is this the standard, to update the copyright to the current year
>>> anytime the file is touched? If so, then yes, I can do this.
>> This is optional. The RE will do the copyright year update
>> periodically.
>> Kelly has fixed the script for RE to do that.
> Is this recent? I was told back in March to continue to update the
> years until rebranding was over, the script was fixed and RE started
> using it. We're obviously past rebranding, and there was an
> announcement in June that the script update_copyright_year was
> updated, but the question was "now what to do with it." I never saw
> the "copyright dates updates are now optional" annoucements, and
> don't see anything in my archives/trash. Kelly or RE?
If people update it themselves, manually, then they avoid an
additional changeset modifying
their files. So it's still ok for people to manually update the second
But it can be considered optional again.
It's a tricky thing to fully automate. Ideally, someone needs to
eyeball the changes.
I'll try and run the script over openjdk7 next week, before 2011.
> What about for OpenJDK 6 also?
Just did it yesterday. All but hotspot.
> And SunJDK 6/5/1.4.2? (Sorry, OpenJDK folks, but had to ask! :) )
Different problem, leaving it to the sustaining team.
> Frankly, I'll be glad when it is automated again. Doing/reminding
> has been a hassle.
Yeah. It's not quite automated yet, I'll work with RE on some kind of
monthly schedule,
maybe do it the last day of the month.
> Brad
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