[security-dev 01488]: Re: RFC: keytab automatic refresh in Java

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Mon Jan 4 05:47:13 UTC 2010


Please take a review at the CCC:



On Dec 22, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:

> Hi All
> I'm planning to support keytab refresh in Java, which means the  
> keytab's content is always reloaded right after AP-REQ is received  
> on the acceptor side.
> One benefit is that when the service is started, the keytab file  
> needn't include the keys for the service, or, it can simply be non- 
> existent. More benefits are key refresh, key revocation, etc, etc.
> Currently, when useKeyTab is specified in the JAAS login config  
> file, if keys for the service name cannot be found inside the  
> keytab, JAAS automatically fallback to username/password prompt, and  
> if they cannot be provided, the login fails. In my plan, when keytab  
> refresh is supported, keytab will always be used even if it does not  
> exist, because there's a chance that it will contain the proper keys  
> later.
> So this introduces a behavior change, and I want to know how big the  
> risk is.
> Do you know if any customer relies on the current fallback? That is  
> to say, they manually config useKeyTab=true in the JAAS login  
> config, but (sometimes) does not provide a keytab file with correct  
> keys, and they expect username and password will be prompted for.
> The behavior change also means that if there is really something  
> wrong with the keytab config (say, wrong path name), currently an  
> app fails as soon as it starts, but with keytab refresh, it only  
> fails when AP-REQ is received.
> How does Solaris deal with keytab changes? Does it accept an empty  
> (or non-existent) keytab?
> Thanks
> Max

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