[security-dev 01547]: Re: PING: [PATCH FOR REVIEW]: 6763530: Fix breakage of NSS-based Elliptic Curve Cryptography in OpenJDK6

Michael StJohns mstjohns at comcast.net
Mon Jun 28 19:28:02 UTC 2010

Thanks Valerie - that answers the question.


At 01:36 PM 6/28/2010, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:

>Vinnie is on vacation, so I'll take a shot of answering this.
>According to the bug record, the fix for 6763530 is in jdk7, openjdk6 and not in Oracle's jdk6 update release.
>Not all bugs are backported, it's subject to RE's discretion.
>I've opened a subCR against this particular release train and Vinnie can decide what to do w/ this once he returns from vacation.
>On 06/27/10 17:13, Michael StJohns wrote: 
>>At 08:09 PM 6/27/2010, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>>On 28 June 2010 01:05, Michael StJohns <mailto:mstjohns at comcast.net><mstjohns at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>Hi Andrew -
>>>>I really need to work on fleshing out my emails... :-/
>>>>The _20 release of the normal (non-OpenJDK) is missing this update. Â I had thought that this fix was supposed to be back-ported to the closed JDK 6 release. Â I've got the OpenJDK built on my local machine, but the folks I'm working with would rather use the pre-packaged Windows version etc etc etc... *sigh*.
>>>By its very nature, we don't know what's in the proprietary JDK.
>>>That's an issue you need to take up with Oracle.  The bug is fixed in
>>>OpenJDK6 and 7.
>>Yes but - the RP/committer for this was Vincent - part of the Sun crowd.. 
>>No worries.  If they can't answer, I'll reopen the bug and see what's what.
>>Thanks - Mike
>>>>Thanks - Mike
>>>>At 07:17 PM 6/27/2010, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>>>>>At 05:37 PM 6/27/2010, Michael StJohns wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi guys -
>>>>>>>I see from the Mercurial logs that this went in to both the jdk6 and jdk7 repositories. Â For jdk6 - it's rev 302 which looks like this should have ended up in the _19 release
>>>>>>>But all the files in lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar  for _20 are all tagged as 1 September 2009....
>>>>>>>Is the sunpkcs11.jar provider not getting regenerated and rebundled during the release process?
>>>>>It has been:
>>>>>$ hg log -R jdk -k 6763530
>>>>>changeset: Â  302:82b80660cac3
>>>>>user: Â  Â  Â  Â vinnie
>>>>>date: Â  Â  Â  Â Thu Jan 21 23:59:41 2010 +0000
>>>>>summary: Â  Â  6763530: Cannot decode PublicKey (Proider SunPKCS11,
>>>>>curve prime256v1)
>>>>>and certainly is present on IcedTea6's builds.
>>>>>Andrew :-)
>>>>>Free Java Software Engineer
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>>>Andrew :-)
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