[security-dev 01705]: Re: Please review new regression test for java.net.* API

Andrew John Hughes ahughes at redhat.com
Thu Mar 18 15:15:12 UTC 2010

On 18 March 2010 15:07, Christopher Hegarty -Sun Microsystems Ireland
<Christopher.Hegarty at sun.com> wrote:
> Sean Mullan wrote:
>> ....
>>> Security folk:
>>>  Do we currently have any tests with a dependency on cacerts?
>> yes, but they would be in the closed tests.
> So we have your own non public tests for this. Maybe RedHat should take a
> similar approach then.
> -Chris.
>> --Sean

We don't really do 'non public' at Red Hat.  The patch will be in
IcedTea which is publicly available, but it would be better for
upstream to remain as in sync with us as possible.
Andrew :-)

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