[security-dev 01728]: Re: Please review new regression test for java.net.* API

Sean Mullan Sean.Mullan at Sun.COM
Mon Mar 22 16:38:57 UTC 2010

Andrew John Hughes wrote:

>> On Windows you can use the "Windows-ROOT" KeyStore type, ex:
>> keytool -list -keystore NONE -storetype Windows-ROOT
> Ok, so that presumably makes some Windows system call, right?


>> I haven't tried it, but you could probably use the keytool -importkeystore
>> option to import all of these certs into the cacerts file.
>> On Solaris, you could use the /usr/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts file.
> Isn't that exactly what's being installed?
> Though maybe there's a general solution there of importing from the
> bootstrap JDK.

Right, or more specifically look in /usr/jdk for the installed JREs. Use 
something that isn't jdk1.7* ...


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