code review request: 6845220: Need to update Policytool for Rowset 1.1 and JDBC 4.1 MR added permissions

Weijun Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Sat Sep 11 03:24:40 UTC 2010

Hi Lance

I've updated policytool to match your new SQLPermission target names, 
webrev at:

It seems there's an extra name "setNetworkTimeout" (compared with 
original RFE description) in your latest changeset at:


-------- Original Message --------

*Change Request ID*: 6845220

*Synopsis*: Need to update Policytool for Rowset 1.1 and JDBC 4.1 MR 
added permissions

=== *Description* 
The JDBC 4.1 and Rowset 1.1 MRs will be adding two permissions which 
need to be able to be set by policytool. The permissions will be 
callAbort(Connection.abort()) and setSyncFactory 
(SyncFactory.setLogger/JNDIContext() ).

*** (#1 of 2): 2009-05-26 20:17:11 GMT+00:00 lance.andersen at

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