Fwd: CR 7079144 Created, P4 java/classes_secu concise_jarsigner.sh test often fails on solaris

Xuelei Fan xuelei.fan at oracle.com
Mon Aug 15 03:06:51 UTC 2011

Looks fine.

I would suggest you add a comment about the keysize, so that when the
keysize is not available (for example, disabled by default), we don't
need to hesitate to update it to 1024 or more.


On 8/15/2011 10:40 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Hi Xuelei
> Can you take a look at this small fix?
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7079144
> 7079144: concise_jarsigner.sh test often fails on solaris
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/7079144/webrev.00/
> Description:
>     concise_jarsigner.sh calls keytool -genkeypair a lot, and due to
>     a known DSA bug on solaris, it's quite likely to fail. Since the
>     test can work with any keypair generator algorithm, we can use
>     another keyalg instead of the default DSA.
> I change the DSA -keyalg to RSA, and to make the test run faster, choose
> -keysize as 512.
> It passes JPRT run on all product platforms.
> Thanks
> Max

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