Code review request: 7064075 Security libraries don't build with javac -Xlint:all,-deprecation -Werror

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Tue Jul 12 20:52:27 UTC 2011

I'll look at it tomorrow, unless Valerie/Max/Xuelei beat me to it.


On 7/12/11 4:03 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
> Sean/Valerie/Max/Xuelei,
>  > Hello Brad,
>  >
>  > Could you please review these changes?
> I'm swamped again, can one of you take a look at Sasha's changes?
> Brad
> On 7/11/2011 1:56 PM, Alexandre Boulgakov wrote:
>> Hello Brad,
>> Could you please review these changes?
>> Bug detail:
>> webrev:
>> Summary:
>>     * Small changes to Java files to remove most build warnings.
>>     * Small changes to relevant makefiles to prevent reintroduction of
>>       removed warnings.
>> Thanks,
>> Sasha Boulgakov

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