Unable to wrap key using SunPKCS11 Provider
Paulo Ricardo Ribeiro
paulo.ribeiro at multicert.com
Tue Nov 22 09:11:47 UTC 2011
Hello again
the key, on the HSM is flagged as "Extractable", but, since the only way
to actually extract it is by wrapping it, for now it is impossible to do it.
For now I'll have to use the vendor's "Proprietary API", but I'm glad to
hear that this issue will be solved in jdk7 update.
Thanks for your time,
Paulo Ricardo
On 21-11-2011 19:25, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:
> The support for key wrapping and unwrapping is tracked under
> 4898471 "Support for key wrapping and unwrapping"
> I assume that the 3DES key is unextractable? If yes, I am afraid that
> this would require that 4898471 be fixed.
> I'll fix this in jdk7 update and later releases.
> Thanks,
> Valerie
> On 11/08/11 03:16, Paulo Ricardo Ribeiro wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'm trying to wrap a 3DES key, that is stored in a HSM, using the
>> SunPKCS11 provider:
>> | Cipher wrapper = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/NOPADDING", getProviderName());
>> wrapper.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, wrappingKey,*new* IvParameterSpec(iv));
>> cText = wrapper.wrap(wrappedKey);
>> |
>> The problem is that I'm obtaining the following exception:
>> |java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: Unsupported mode: 3
>> at sun.security.pkcs11.P11Cipher.implInit(P11Cipher.java:316)
>> at sun.security.pkcs11.P11Cipher.engineInit(P11Cipher.java:280)
>> at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(DashoA13*..)
>> at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(DashoA13*..)
>> |
>> After searching for the source code, I've found that the provider
>> only supports the ENCRYPT_MODE and DECRYPT_MODE
>> |// actual init() implementation
>> *private* *void* implInit(*int* opmode, Key key,*byte*[] iv,
>> SecureRandom random)
>> *throws* InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException{
>> cancelOperation();
>> *switch* (opmode){
>> *case* Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE:
>> encrypt =*true*;
>> *break*;
>> *case* Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE:
>> encrypt =*false*;
>> *break*;
>> *default*:
>> *throw* *new* InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
>> ("Unsupported mode:" + opmode);
>> }
>> (...)
>> }
>> |
>> The full source is available at
>> http://javasourcecode.org/html/open-source/jdk/jdk-6u23/sun/security/pkcs11/P11Cipher.java.html
>> So, I was wondering if is there a way to wrap a key, using the
>> SunPKCS11 provider.
>> --
>> *Paulo Ricardo Ribeiro*
>> Departamento de Integração e Desenvolvimento
>> *MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.*
>> www.multicert.com
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*Paulo Ricardo Ribeiro*
Departamento de Integração e Desenvolvimento
*MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.*
*Para obter direcções para as nossas instalações carregue aqui*
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Porto – Portugal
*T:*+351 223 391 810 | *F: *+351 223 391 811
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