7081804: Remove cause field from javax.xml.crypto.NoSuchMechnismException

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Fri Sep 23 18:54:48 UTC 2011

On 9/17/11 3:09 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

>> i have updated the webrev [0].
>> But i think that L69 and L72 of the test should be changed to 
>> checkMutable and the implementation of the exceptions accordantly.

That's an interesting question. The current implementation in your code is
consistent with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. I'm curious as to why they
disallowed initCause to be called even if they were created using the
constructors without Throwables. Any idea? Was this discussed in the other lists?

>> [0] http://oss-patches.24.eu/openjdk8/NoSuchMechanismException/7011804_3
>> -- Sebastian
> Any comments / progress on this?

Just a couple of minor comments on the test:

- the copyright date should only include 2011
- some minor typos (line number in []):

[26] s/in/is
[43] s/validating/validate
[98] s/checkImutable/checkImmutable


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