答复: 答复: Asynchronous IO in SSL

lixiangfeng lixiangfeng at infosec.com.cn
Fri Apr 13 02:20:17 UTC 2012


	In JDK Sample(sample/nio/server),It use nio1.0,use selector、selectionkey、channel,can someone know how use SSLEngine with AsynchronousServerSocketChannel and AsynchronousSocketChannel  ?


MAIL:lixiangfeng at infosec.com.cn

发件人: Brad Wetmore [mailto:bradford.wetmore at oracle.com] 
发送时间: 2012年4月13日 1:40
收件人: lixiangfeng
抄送: 'Xuelei Fan'; security-dev at openjdk.java.net
主题: Re: 答复: Asynchronous IO in SSL

security-dev is not a general purpose mailing list for Java 
Programming/usage questions, it's for the discussion of development of 
the JDK.

A couple pointers/suggestions:

In the JDK distribution, there is some sample code which shows 
NIO/SSLEngine working together.


The majority of the SSLEngine code is ChannelIOSecure.java.

It is not production quality, but gives some ideas of how it could be used.

Please see the SSLEngine section in the JSSE documentation.


Also, please check the user forums for JSSE:


Best wishes,


On 4/12/2012 2:54 AM, lixiangfeng wrote:
> Thanks your reply.
> I find some description in this PPT,it can help me to write ssl/tls
> implements use sslengine and aio.
> Is there some exsample and test code  can show me how to use sslengine
> with aio? I think ,oracle (or openjdk group should test their api use
> java code. It is useable to me.
> Is their anyone can help me?
> *发件人:*Xuelei Fan [mailto:Xuelei.Fan at Oracle.Com]
> *发送时间:*2012年3月31日16:49
> *收件人:*lixiangfeng
> *抄送:*
> *主题:*Re: Asynchronous IO in SSL
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:26 PM, lixiangfeng <lixiangfeng at infosec.com.cn
> <mailto:lixiangfeng at infosec.com.cn>> wrote:
>     I use JDK7,use SSL ServerSocket to accept a SSL Socket
>     Connection,Can I use *Asynchronous
>     <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/channels/AsynchronousServerSocketChannel.html#AsynchronousServerSocketChannel%28java.nio.channels.spi.AsynchronousChannelProvider%29>
>     IO?*
> I am afraid that It is not the normal approach to use asynchronous IO.
> The server socket may be the bottleneck. You may be interested in the
> blog:
> http://sim.ivi.co/2011/06/java-approach-to-lightweight-servers.html,
> which talked about how to use NIO2 and SSL together.
> Xuelei

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