Review Request: 7164376 Replace use of

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Thu Apr 26 22:57:11 UTC 2012

Thanks, Phil.  FYI.  I plan to use TL gate for the entire changeset.  
The change will show up in the awt/2D repos when this gets integrated in 
the next promoted build.


On 4/26/2012 3:51 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> All looks good to me. Compiler won't spot misspelled library names so I
> did try to check all those are still the same.
> -phil.
> On 4/26/2012 2:20 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> Thanks, Sean.  I have fixed the 3 files per your comment.
>> Mandy
>> On 4/26/2012 1:59 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>> Looks fine, just a couple of nits.
>>> src/macosx/classes/com/apple/concurrent/,
>>>   - the closing static brace is not indented the same as the open 
>>> brace.
>>> src/solaris/classes/sun/management/
>>> src/windows/classes/sun/management/
>>>   - line-break coding style is different from all others; probably 
>>> better to be consistent
>>> --Sean
>>> On 04/26/2012 02:49 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>>> 7164376 Replace use of with
>>>> direct call of System.loadLibrary
>>>> Webrev:
>>>> This change is required for jdk modularization. High level summary:
>>>> it replaces the use of LoadLibraryAction:
>>>> FROM:
>>>> LoadLibraryAction("net"));
>>>> TO: AccessController.doPrivileged( new
>>>><Void>() { public Void run() {
>>>> System.loadLibrary("net"); return null; } });
>>>> It touches files in awt, security and serviceability area (cc'ed).
>>>> For this type of simple change, I think 1-2 reviewers can review all
>>>> files (simpler to review jdk.patch) and no need for all teams to do
>>>> the reviews.
>>>> System.loadLibrary and Runtime.loadLibrary loads a system library of
>>>> the given library name that requires
>>>> RuntimePermission("loadLibrary."+lib) permission. Many places in the
>>>> JDK code loading a system native library is using the
>>>> convenient class that will load
>>>> the system library as a privileged action:
>>>> LoadLibraryAction("net"));
>>>> The search path of native libraries are coupled with an associated
>>>> class loader. For example, the application class loader uses the path
>>>> specified in the "java.library.path" system property for native
>>>> library lookup. The loadLibrary implementation uses the caller's
>>>> class loader for finding the native library being requested. For
>>>> system libraries, the class loader is null and the system library
>>>> lookup is handled as a special case. When the
>>>> class is used that is the
>>>> caller of System.loadLibrary, the caller's class loader in this case
>>>> is "null" loader and thus it always finds the native library from the
>>>> system library path.
>>>> In a modular world, JDK modules may be loaded by multiple different
>>>> module class loader. The following code would not work if it is
>>>> expected to load a native library from a module which is not the
>>>> module where the lives.
>>>> For example, the management module is trying to load
>>>> Calling the following will fail to find
>>>> because the caller of System.loadLibrary is the
>>>> LoadLibraryAction which is in the base module and search the library
>>>> from the base module only. To prepare for jdk modularization, the use
>>>> of LoadLibraryAction should be replaced with a direct call of
>>>> System.loadLibrary.
>>>> This patch also removes class
>>>> to avoid regression.
>>>> Thanks Mandy

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