[8] Code Review Request for 8004064: Downgrade normative references to ${java.home}/lib/security/java.security

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Fri Dec 7 21:05:38 UTC 2012

As part of the effort to prepare the platform for modules (see 
http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/162) we need to re-examine all normative 
references to files/resources in ${java.home} as these may be candidates 
to be replaced or candidates to move to module-private locations in the 

The focus of this change are the various security APIs that specify that 
the default values of security properties are loaded from 
${java.home}/lib/security/java.security. We need the flexibility to be 
able to re-locate this file and its properties to ease the transition to 
a modular system.

The proposed changes remove all references to 
${java.home}/lib/security/java.security or "security properties file" 
from the APIs and adds a reference to the java.security.Security API for 
more information about security properties. The class definition of the 
Security class has been adjusted to note that the loading of the default 
values of security properties is implementation-specific, but that they 
are typically loaded from the ${java.home}/lib/security/java.security file.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mullan/webrevs/8004064/webrev.00/
bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8004064


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