Code review request: 7172701: KDC tests cleanup

Weijun Wang at
Tue Jun 5 07:56:40 UTC 2012

Xuelei or Valerie,

Anyone can take a review on this cleanup?

There are two parts in the webrev:

1. policy and option combined as option in Policy was designed 
(in the configMatch method) to match a rule to client and server names 
but currently there is only one policy and it only support server names. 
Just hard code it.

2. Remove the two shell tests and add commands back into java tests as 
multiple @run lines. Please note that jtreg currently does not support 
comments between @run lines, so I rewrite the comments as @run 
arguments. At least these two tests only recognize fixed-length argument 
lists so it's OK. I will change to real @comments once it's supported.


-------- Original Message --------
7172701: cleanup options and policies in KDC tests

=== *Description* 
The behaviors of the simple KDC in test/sun/security/krb5/auto can be 
configured with either options or policies, and in fact there is no real 
difference between these two concepts. It's better to use only one set 
of configurations.

Also, remove two shell tests and use multiple @run inside java tests.

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