Code review request: 6988842 jce/ECC test fails for SunPKCS11 provider using nss library

Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng valerie.peng at
Fri Mar 2 19:40:46 UTC 2012


Would it clearer to name the new configuration option 
"minLibraryVersion" instead of "libraryVersionCheck"?
Would it help to include the required minimum value in the exception 
message in

Also, do you know what's the nss version that's commonly available on 
our Solaris and Linux machines based on your testing?

Has there a doc bug been filed for updating our PKCS11 doc w/ this new 
configuration option as well as the minimum NSS version requirement?


On 03/02/12 04:23, Vincent Ryan wrote:
> On 03/ 2/12 12:22 PM, Vincent Ryan wrote:
>> Please review the fix for:
>>      6988842 jce/ECC test fails for SunPKCS11 provider using nss library
>> It is the long overdue refresh of the NSS libraries that we include in
>> the JDK regression test suite. One significant change is that the
>> NSS libraries are now obtained from the OS on Solaris and Linux.
>> On Windows the libraries continue to be supplied.
>> Thanks.
> And the webrev:

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