[PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow multiple initialisation of NSS with different library directories to be a non-criticial error

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Nov 7 18:45:55 UTC 2012

The PKCS11 provider has an option in its configuration file, "handleStartupErrors"
that can be used to make different types of failure non-critical (throwing a
UnsupportedOperationException rather than a ProviderException).  By default,
all failures are critical.

This option is not available for the failure resulting from an attempt to try to
load a provider with a different library directory to one that has already been
loaded; such a failure is always critical.

This webrev:


simply extends the existing option so that this failure can be made non-critical.
Both the existing IGNORE_ALL setting and the new IGNORE_MULTI_INIT setting will
turn the failure into one which throws UnsupportedOperationException, resulting
in the provider not being loaded rather than an JVM crash.

This allows a default PKCS11 setup to be specified, which is then silently dropped
if the user tries to load a conflicting setup (e.g. their own local NSS library).

The patch is against tl at present.  I'll need a bug ID to push this if it looks ok.

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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