JEP 166: Overhaul JKS-JCEKS-PKCS12 Keystores
Vincent Ryan
vincent.x.ryan at
Mon Oct 1 18:17:32 UTC 2012
We could examine a mechansim for keystore applications to override the default PBE algorithm for protecting keys and certs.
Maybe extend KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter?
On 1 Oct 2012, at 18:50, Michael StJohns wrote:
> My main reason for suggesting this is that the all but one of the algorithm suites defined in PKCS12 are either deprecated or prohibited by NIST guidance. The undeprecated suite appears to be the default one used by the java implementation. It would be nice to have a choice.
> See below.
> At 12:51 PM 10/1/2012, Vincent Ryan wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> The new PBE algorithms in JEP-121, such as PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_128, could certainly be used
>> for PKCS12 keystores within Java environments - the problem is maintaining interoperability with existing
>> crypto toolkits and web browsers.
> Yup - but someone has to be first.... :-)
> Mike
>> Is there any interest among those on this list in promoting wider support for these PBE algorithms?
>> Thanks.
>> On 1 Oct 2012, at 17:06, Michael StJohns wrote:
>>> At 08:27 PM 9/28/2012, mark.reinhold at wrote:
>>>> Posted:
>>>> - Mark
>>> This seems at least partially related to JEP 121 and maybe even dependent on it. Might be useful to have a cross reference. Also, probably useful to decide/state a new default PKCS12 algorithm? E.g. maybe PBEwithSHA256andAES-128?
>>> Mike
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