Code review request: 7201053: Krb5LoginModule shows NPE when both useTicketCache and storeKey are set to true

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Fri Oct 5 13:37:53 UTC 2012

On 9/26/12 12:30 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Hi All
> Please take a look at

Looks fine to me.


> In fact, even without this code change, LoginContext would wrap the NPE 
> inside a LoginException so no real harm will be made. However, it's 
> always nice to check for null before reference a variable, and an NPE 
> (no matter as a cause or in the message) is not user friendly.
> Thanks
> Max
> -------- Original Message --------
> 7201053: Krb5LoginModule shows NPE when both useTicketCache and storeKey 
> are set to true
> === *Description* 
> ============================================================
> useTicketCache normally used in the intiator side, and storeKey on the 
> acceptor side. When both are set to true, and a valid TGT is found 
> inside the cache, no password or keytab will be required, and therefore 
> no key to store.
> This combination is useless and should have been set to illegal. 
> However, some customers simply set a lot of arguments to true and this 
> will actually work if password or key is used. We don't want to break 
> their programs.
> For this case, when there is no key but storeKey is true, a proper 
> LoginException should be thrown. This is also consistent with the JDK 6 
> behavior.

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