configuration files in ${java.home}/lib/security

David Schlosnagle schlosna at
Wed Oct 17 04:37:21 UTC 2012

In my experience, altering the enabled security providers and
precedence have been the primary reason for modifications and
overrides of the ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security/ file.
Typically this has been in the context of removing unnecessary
providers, as well as restricting algorithms and key sizes that do not
conform to a given set of security requirements (e.g. FIPS 140-2, NIST
800-57 and 800-131A). On one occasion I did need to alter the
login.configuration.provider property to use a custom implementation
of to work around issues with
a specific application server on certain platforms.

- Dave

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Sean Mullan <sean.mullan at> wrote:
> On 10/16/2012 09:55 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> As part of preparing for modules in the future [1], we need to look at
>> configuration (and other) files in the JDK and see whether such files
>> could eventually move to module-private locations.
>> There are several files in ${java.home}/lib/security and I'm trying to
>> get a feel for how common it is for developers or customers to edit
>> them. The specification for and
>> define the name/location of and we
>> need to decide whether these can be changed to non-normative references.
>> I know from discussion with Sean on jigsaw-dev and elsewhere that some
>> customers may change the preference order of providers but this is
>> something that needs to be re-examined anyway as part of deploying
>> security providers as service providers. I'm mostly interested in the
>> other settings at this time and whether it is common or not to change
>> them. Also the other files, including java.policy. I realize we might
>> not have actual data but as such files are in the JDK image then I could
>> imagine it being problematic when upgrading the JDK.
> Right, any modifications that are made to these files will be overwritten
> when you upgrade. There is a way to avoid doing that by specifying an
> alternate file using the system
> property, or alternatively you can use the API to
> override the values of these properties, but unlike system properties I
> don't think you can set them via the java command line.
> I have no real data, but I suspect the re-adjusting or adding new providers
> is probably the most common use case. The other properties are more obscure
> and use reasonable default values. For cacerts and java.policy, the same JDK
> upgrade issue applies and will clobber any changes you make, but if you are
> using Oracle's deployment tools, you can add new root certs and make system
> policy changes using deployment-specific files, so this is less of an issue.
> It might be worth asking the EE folks whether they change any of these
> properties.
> --Sean
>> Thanks,
>> -Alan.
>> [1]

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