Request for comment: Supporting password expiration alert in JAAS

Xuelei Fan at
Wed Oct 17 14:01:29 UTC 2012

If the application know and pass the expiration time to the callback, it
can do the warning in the application level.

If the application does not know the expiration time, I was wondering
that the login context may also not know the time.  Does kerberos define
expiration fileds?

I think, it is not clear to me about the benefits to do it in JDK level.


On 10/17/2012 1:44 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Ping again.
> On 08/17/2012 06:18 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I am working with an OpenJDK contributor (Steve Beaty) recently on this
>> feature.
>> We often see messages like "Your password will expire in 5 days. Please
>> update ASAP" when we login to a system, and we are seeing if we could
>> also support this kind of alert in JAAS.
>> We first starts with the Krb5LoginModule. In Kerberos, the KDC might
>> send a LastReq field in response to a ticket request. Normally, the
>> LastReq might contain:
>> 1. The time the password will expire
>> 2. The time the account will expire.
>> (It might contain other things like the last request time from the same
>> client, so the login module can show the user "Last login: Thu Aug 16
>> 19:44:55 2012". That's also how the field is named).
>> Out current idea is to create a new kind of Callback, say,
>> PasswordExpirationCallback for a login module, if a password/account
>> expiration message is found in the LastReq field received, some
>> user-defined method can be called.
>> However, we cannot decide on what argument we should provide to this
>> method. Certainly, just passing the LastReq field is not very good,
>> since it's keberos-specific. Passing only the password expiration time?
>> I'm not sure if the information is too little.
>> Are you familiar with all other styles of password expiration warnings?
>> What kind of message is generalized enough and also contains enough info?
>> Any suggestion welcomed.
>> Thanks
>> Max

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