Memory leak fix for: src/solaris/native/com/sun/security/auth/module/Unix.c

John Zavgren john.zavgren at
Fri Oct 19 20:28:41 UTC 2012

The following webrev image contains a fix for a memory leak that occurs in the procedure: Java_com_sun_security_auth_module_UnixSystem_getUnixInfo (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) in the file: jdk/src/solaris/native/com/sun/security/auth/module/Unix.c

The leaked memory is associated with the pointer named "groups": gid_t *groups = (gid_t *)calloc(numSuppGroups, sizeof(gid_t));

The procedure in question exits in many places and in every case it's necessary to deallocate this memory. The leak occurred because returns were being made without freeing it. I fixed the leak by modifying the code so that there is a common "exit point", that is reached from these same places via goto statements, that performs this common function, immediately before the "return" statement.

John Zavgren
john.zavgren at

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