Request for review: 7198416: Using X500Name in place of CertificateIssuerName and CertificateSubjectName

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Tue Oct 30 14:56:28 UTC 2012

Hi Jason,

This looks good. An optional minor comment, but I usually update the copyrights
to include 2012, as I like to see if the source has been updated and not wait
for the tool to update them automatically although I know it isn't required.

Anyway, I can push this for you when you are ready.


On 10/30/12 4:44 AM, Jason Uh wrote:
> Updated. Please see instead: 
> Removed a trailing space and updated certAttributes.html, a sort of 
> cheat sheet for X.509 certificate attributes. Note that the entries for 
> issuerUniqueID and subjectUniqueID have also been updated to reflect the 
> changes that were made in 4647343.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> On 10/29/2012 03:39 PM, Jason Uh wrote:
>> Because and
>> CertificateSubjectName do not provide any functionality beyond that of
>> X500Name, they have been removed. X509CertImpl and X509CertInfo have
>> been modified to use X500Name directly instead of these classes.
>> Thanks,
>> Jason

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