<AWT Dev> 8029886: Change SecurityManager check{TopLevelWindow, SystemClipboardAccessAwtEventQueueAccess} to check AllPermission

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Dec 11 13:53:27 UTC 2013

On 11/12/2013 13:17, Artem Ananiev wrote:
> Hi, Alan,
> the changes look fine to me.
> A short quick question: what is the reason to introduce a new 
> AWTPermissions class as a holder for various AWTPermission constants? 
> We can have the same fields directly in AWTPermission. The only 
> difference is that AWTPermission is in java.awt, while the new class 
> is in sun.awt, but such a change seem to require a CCC request anyway...
Thanks Artem. Adding them to AWTPermission would bring them into Java SE 
/ public API and that doesn't seem to be worth it. The main thing is 
that we move them out of sun.security.util.SecurityConstants so that we 
can finally eliminate the execution-time dependency (what we have in the 
jdk8 forest is okay for profiles but we need to do better with modules).


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