JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

Brad Wetmore bradford.wetmore at
Fri Jan 4 23:18:20 UTC 2013

Forwarding some relevant comments:


Set #1 of 2:  From (at) oracle (dot) com:

First you have "If mode is set to true, successive calls..." then you 
also says the return value "may not necessarily be the same as the 
original object". Shall I use the return value or "this"? Also, what if 
I call the method with false?

The spec says the strong mode "may block". Does this imply that the 
"weak" mode never blocks?

      * Calls to <code>engineSetStrongMode</code> will return
      * the current <code>mode</code>.

You mean engineGetStrongMode?

  100 # On Unix-like systems (for example, Solaris/Linux/MacOS), there is a
  101 # separate "NativePRNG" implementation that obtains seed and 
random numbers
  102 # from special device files. If a file is specified and does not 
  103 # "NativePRNG" will not be available.  "file" is the only currently
  104 # supported protocol type.

If a file is specified and it does exist, will NatievPRNG read from 
*this* specified file? Or still from some mysterious "special devide file"?

  106 # In addition, if "file:/dev/random" or "file:/dev/urandom" is
  107 # specified, the "NativePRNG" implementation will be more 
preferred than
  108 # SHA1PRNG.

Is "more" needed when "preferred" is used? Also, I haven't read the impl 
codes for a while, but by specifying one of the 2 sources above, is 
SHA1PRNG almost the same as NativePRNG?

I'll read the code changes later.


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