[8] Code Review Request for 7019834: Eliminate dependency from PolicyFile to com.sun.security.auth.PrincipalComparator

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat Jan 5 09:36:36 UTC 2013

On 28/12/2012 17:39, Sean Mullan wrote:
> As part of the effort to prepare the platform for modules (see 
> http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/162) we need to remove or deprecate 
> undesirable dependencies. One of these is the dependency:
>  sun.security.provider.PolicyFile -> 
> com.sun.security.auth.PrincipalComparator
> which is problematic since the com.sun.security.auth package is not 
> intended to be part of the base module.
> The solution is to add an implies method to the 
> java.security.Principal interface. Existing PrincipalComparator 
> implementations must also implement Principal if they are to be used 
> by the default "JavaPolicy" Policy implementation. This change will 
> allow us to remove the dependency on the PrincipalComparator class and 
> preserve compatibility.
> Since java.security.Principal is an interface, this change requires 
> the new default method feature of lambda.
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mullan/webrevs/7019834/webrev.00/
> Thanks,
> Sean
This looks very good to me and good to have this dependency issue 
finally resolved.

Minor comment is that it might be better to use {@code Principal} rather 
than "principal" in the method description.

In PolicyFile it looks like there are 8 or so imports of permission 
classes commented out - should this be removed?


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