Update #4: JEP 123: SecureRandom Draft and Implementation.

Bernd Eckenfels bernd-2013 at eckenfels.net
Fri Jan 11 00:49:28 UTC 2013

Am 11.01.2013, 01:24 Uhr, schrieb Brad Wetmore  
<bradford.wetmore at oracle.com>:

> Minor tweak.  It occurred to me that people might use "." as separators  
> (for example using some OIDs scheme), so I changed the syntax slightly  
> of the system property to use ":" instead.

You could keep the patterns static (it is thread safe and would avoid  
repeating parsing).

I would actually use StringTokenzier and trim instead but I guess it is  
not very performance relevant (even using one pattern with optional second  
group is an option).


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