SSLSocketImpl and Handshake Notifier efficiency/thread pooling

Bernd Eckenfels bernd-2013 at
Thu Jan 17 01:19:22 UTC 2013

Hello Xuelei, List,

thanks for taking the time to comment:

Am 16.01.2013, 05:04 Uhr, schrieb Xuelei Fan < at>:

> I agree with you that create new threads in SSLSocket implementation is
> not good.  The application is the better place to decide what's the
> right thread model.

>  For the same reason, using Executor in SSLSocket
> implementation might not be an option from my understanding.

A small change without Executor would be to have a boolean setter which  
deactivates the Thread dispatching. The default will use new Threads, if  
direct mode is enabled it will directly call the listeners in the data  

public void setDirectHandshakeListener(boolean enabled)
	this.skipListnerBackgroundThread = enabled;

private void readRecord(InputRecord r, boolean needAppData)
	if (handshakeListeners != null) {
		HandshakeCompletedEvent event = new HandshakeCompletedEvent(this, sess);
		Runnable r = NotifyHandshakeTask(handshakeListeners.entrySet(), event);
		if (skipListnerBackgroundThread == false) {
			Thread t = new Thread("HandshakeEventThread", r);
		} else {;

This also would require to transform NotifyHandshakeThread into a runable  
(or move it to the Event, see below)

But I think setter for different Executor strategies is not more overhead  
but more flexible. It would allow to use a smarter default strategy and it  
enables the user to request the sync case by passing a: "class  
DirectExecutor implements Executor { void  execute(Runnable r) {;  

Executor listenerExecutor = Executors.newCachedExecutor();

public void setHandshakeListenerExecutor(Executor newExecutor)
	context.listenerExecutor = newExecutor;

private void readRecord(InputRecord r, boolean needAppData)
	if (handshakeListeners != null) {
		HandshakeCompletedEvent event = new HandshakeCompletedEvent(this, sess);
		Runnable r = NotifyHandshakeTask(handshakeListeners.entrySet(), event);
		// if (context.listenerExecutor == null); else

> The HashSet clone should be pretty fast.  A kind of "copy" of listeners
> is necessary here, otherwise, need to consider more about the
> synchronization between the update (add/remove) and use of the listeners.

Actually that copy constructor was introduced as a IMHO incorrect Fix.  
Because the copy constructor runs concurrently to the add/removeListener  
methods and is not concurrency safe (HashMap#putAllForCreate is a  
foreach!). The fix 7065972 will reduce the race window (which is very  
small anyway) but it still exists.

So if you fix this I would move copy/entrySetCreation/IteratorCreation out  
of the hot path.

Something like this is needed. In this version it remebers the HashMap and  
a array version of it. It seems there is no good  
"ListernerRegistrationMapSupport" object similiar to  
java.beans.ChangeListenerMap in the Java RT lib?

// modified by add/removeHandshakeCompletedListener (synchronmized on this  
HashMap<HandshakeCompletedListener, AccessControlContext>  

// never modified only replaced (replace/dereference with monitor on this  
so no volatile needed)
Map.Enty<HandshakeCompletedListener, AccessControlContect>[]  
handshakeListenersArray = null;

public synchronized void  
addHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener listener)
	if (listener == null)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("listener is null");

	// implement a copy on write strategy so handshakeListeners is immutable
	if (handshakeListeners == null) {
		handshakeListeners = new HashMap<HandshakeCompletedListener,  
      	handshakeListeners.put(listener, AccessController.getContext());
	// create a immutable array for the iterator
	handshakeListenersArray = handshakeListeners.entrySet().toArray(new  
Map.Entry<K, V>[m.size()]);
	if (handshakeListenersArray != null) {
		HandshakeCompletedEvent event = new HandshakeCompletedEvent(this, sess);
		Thread t = new NotifyHandshakeThread(handshakeListenersArray, event);

		Map.Entry<HandshakeCompletedListener,AccessControlContext>[] entryArray,
		HandshakeCompletedEvent e) {
			targets = entryArray; // is immutable
			event = e;
	public void run() {
		for (int i=0;i<targets.lenght;i++) {
			HandshakeCompletedListener l = targets[i].getKey();
			AccessControlContext acc = targets[i].getValue();

> I'm not sure I understand the suggestion.  Why it is helpful to reduce
> objects allocations?  Can you show some examples?

Well, for a case where the same functionality can be achieved with less
garbage produced I would prefer the more economic implementation. So you  
can remove the NotifyHandshakeThread class completely by adding a Runnable  
Interface to HandshakeCompletedEvent. But yes, thats only a minor  
optimisation for reducing the GC load.

BTW: Is there somewhere a Git repository of the JSSE part? Would be faster  
for me to get it build. If not, I might use a fork of this to implement my suggestion.


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