Code Review Request for 7030966, Support AEAD CipherSuites (JSSE part of JEP 115)
Xuelei Fan at
Fri Jan 18 17:09:09 UTC 2013
No significant changes in the new webrev.
<removed some comments that is clear to me>
> I will be doing a putback of the JCE providers, so I can do your SunJCE
> signed provider putback for you. Let's coordinate when you are ready.
> I will probably be ready early next week.
> Minor nits:
> ===========
> What is the indentation style you are using? I noticed a few places
> where it's not 4/8 spaces, and it's not lining up with anything on the
> previous line. For example
I usually use 4 spaces for new lines. But if the next line is a
continuation of the previous line, I did not follow the 8 spaces strictly.
> Also, in several of your new methods, you are writing pseudo-javadoc
> style (@return/etc), but you're not starting the comment with "/**".
> This probably doesn't matter since we don't generate javadoc for
> internal classes. Just mentioning since you took the time to format
> it and hoping it would render.
I just want to use the tag in order to make the comments clear and easy
> ==============
> 312/564: I don't remember why we decided to use the RuntimeException
> AIOOBE here. Ugh...anyway, can you also use exception chaining to help
> debug any reported problems?
We don't have chaining constructor for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class.
> ================
> 510: I don't think this statement is true anymore. This is likley a
> carryover from the 1.4 days when we used to have a crypto provider in
> the JSSE jar file. Not for this review, but maybe we should actually
> check that implementations are available? If we remove SunEC and
> SunPKCS11 providers from the provider list, could we potentially
> disable the EC suites?
Good catch.
EC algorithm will be checked in KeyExchange, rather than BulkCipher. If
EC algorithm is not available, EC cipher suites will be disabled.
I worry about the RC4 cipher. The AES/CBC/128 is the minimal
requirements of a crypto provider, so I don't worry about AES/CBC/128.
However, RC4 is not in the minimal requirements of a crypto provider, so
we should check the availability of RC4 here.
I will file a new for this issue.
> 522: Why are you also checking for CipherType.AEAD_CIPHER?
AEAD/GCM is not implemented in all providers, for example the SunPKCS11
provider. So we need to check the available of AEAD implementation.
> 970: "before" -> "while"
It looks strange to me with two whiles:
// ..., we decrease the
// priority of cipher suites in GCM mode for a while while GCM
// technologies become mature in the industry.
I think "before" may be better word here.
> 1054: From
> A Suite B TLS client configured at a minimum level of security of 128
> bits MUST offer the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or the
> TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 cipher suite in the
> ClientHello message. The TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
> cipher suite is preferred; if offered, it MUST appear before the
> TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 cipher suite.
> I would have thought what you have is the correct order, but it
> doesn't follow the RFC. Please add a note to remind us, because this
> order will not make sense in 6 months. ;)
You are right. The current default cipher suites preference is not
Suite-B/RFC6460 compliant. We need additional work to configure the
cipher suites in order to comply with RFC 6460. We may want to add a
new feature in the future.
> ======================
> 191: Your comment is a little confusing here. Does this mean it does
> this internally?
Need to remove this line. Removed.
> =======================
> 294/296: Another great comment. I might suggest reversing the
> comments so that the comment about AEAD is in the AEAD arm, and CBC is
> outside.
I'm not sure I catch your ideas. ;-) Would you please show me the code?
> 306: The original code was bad (double debug != null :) ), and I
> realize the original code was lacking in parens "()", but can you
> please add parens to indicate exactly what expression order you intend
> here. My head is spinning from parsing the various cases: I'm not sure
> the logic here is correct. I think we should output if debug is on
> and either handshake/record is active or we're outputing a CCS. That
> is:
> if ((debug ! null) &&
> ((Debug.isOn("record") || (Debug.isOn("handshake") ||
> (contentType() == ct_change_cipher_spec))))) {
> Is my thinking incorrect?
In the old code, there is no dump for "handshake" level log unless it is
a change_cipher_spec message. However, the log is dumped for "record"
level log. I think it was right because the log here is record
information, but not handshake message.
I think the update does not changes the behavior.
> ===============
> This is a comment for ClientHandshaker/Handshaker. I just want to
> confirm some restrictions from Section 4 of RFC 5288:
> 1. If a remote client offers <= TLS 1.1 and a GCM suite, we won't
> possibly select a GCM suite. I'm pretty sure this is ok, just wanted
> to check.
> 2. If a remote server selects a GCM ciphersuite and a version other
> than TLS 1.2, our client will send an alert_illegal_parameter. I
> think this is done at ClientHandshaker:461 calling into
> Handshaker:isNegotiable(), but the comments in getActiveCipherSuites()
> only talk about the initial request, not the CipherSuite we actually
> get back from the server. Can you please double check this?
Good catch. We did not check the cipher suite and protocol version
together. Need to address this in a new bug so that we can backport the
> ================
> 198: Didn't follow this comment "before the exception occurs"? Before
> the MAC occurs? Or in the case of an exception in signer.compute.
Need more comments here:
count -= macLen; // Set the count before any MAC checking
// exception occurs, so that the following
// process can read the actual decrypted
// content (minus the MAC) in the fragment
// if necessary.
> ===========
> 55: Never noticed this before. Is maxIVLength really 256, or were you
> just being overly cautious? All of our current block ciphers (e.g.
> AES-CBC) max out at 16 bytes, and there's only 8 bytes for TLS GCM mode
> nonce-explicit? For each OutputRecord, I think you're reserving an
> extra 245 bytes here that will never be used. (5 + 256 - 16) If
> you're nervous about future suites bumping the size, you could add a
> simple check during initialization.
Good point. Need to address this in a new bug so that we can backport
the update.
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