Code review request: 8006564: Test sun/security/util/Oid/ fails with timeout on Linux 32-bit

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Jan 21 13:58:20 UTC 2013

On 21/01/2013 01:51, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Please take a look at the webrev at
> Bug is
> The test uses /java to try to access old JDKs. When the test 
> is running at Russia, /java exists but is on the other side of the 
> globe, and a timeout happens.
> This fix has created a jdk6-style class and use it to check for 
> compatibility. Not precise but enough for this test.
> Thanks
> Max
It's good to see the dependency on /java/re removed but I'm not sure 
that I like the -Xbootclasspath/o:old because it is too tied into the 

Have you considered just put the serial versions of the older releases 
into a byte array and have test use that? It would of course require 
having a way to easily re-create the byte array (should be clear 


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