RFR(XS) 8006669: sun/security/ssl/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/PostThruProxy.sh fails on mac

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Tue Jan 22 15:04:31 UTC 2013

These tests started failing recently on some mac machines. They appear 
to hang and timeout.



Debugging the test shows that the HttpsURLConnection being made by the 
test is not being proxied, even though the test explicitly sets the 
system properties, "https.proxyHost" and "https.proxyPort". The 
properties are being set correctly, but the system has configured values 
for non proxy hosts:

   foobar:/tmp/chris> networksetup -getproxybypassdomains Ethernet

So, the connection to foobar.xx.yy.com is made directly, as will all 
connections to the xx.yy.com domain.

This causes the test to hang: The test setups a simple proxy, and has a 
non daemon thread blocked in ServerSocket accept. It expects the client 
part of the test to connect to it. And in this case it never does.

The specific machines, foobar, network proxybypassdomains could be 
changed to remove *.xx.yy.com, and this would resolve the problem, but a 
more robust solution would be to up date the test so that it uses the 
URL.openConnection(Proxy) API, specifying the actual proxy, rather than 
URL.openConnection() and allowing the system default proxy selector to 


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