getCodeBase broken locally in 7 update 25

Doug Stiring d.stirling at
Tue Jul 2 22:51:37 UTC 2013

> From: Sandeep Konchady [mailto:sandeep.konchady-
QHcLZuEGTsvQT0dZR+AlfA at] Sent: Wednesday,
June 19, 2013 7:40 PM To: Mickey SegalCc: Java SecuritySubject:
Re: getCodeBase broken locally in 7 update 25
> Hi Mickey,
> The issue you are seeing is intended behavior. This was caused because
of a vulnerability that was fixed in 7u25 in which which a getCodeBase call
against all local applet/jnlp apps will return null.
> Thanks,
> Sandeep


Is there a way that works to read a PNG file in the "codebase" directory into
a Java Image, when the applet is locally installed?

I have tried a few alternatives to "getCodeBase()" such as
"getClass().getResource()" but all end up with a null URL.

If a locally installed applet can use nothing but its ".class" files, you might
as well forbid local applet.


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