Request for review: 8019267: NPE in AbstractSaslImpl when trace level >= FINER in KRB5

Weijun Wang at
Wed Jul 10 07:42:35 UTC 2013

Hi Sean

Can you take a look at the webrev for jdk7u-dev. The only difference is 
that in 7u there is no check for output == null at all so an NPE is thrown.


On 7/9/13 8:16 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Looks fine.
> --Sean
> On 07/09/2013 03:32 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> Hi All
>> An NPE was suppressed in jdk8 with a simple if. This new fix tries to
>> output useful info even for a null argument.
>> Please review the code changes at
>> The added test makes sure logging does not crash and the output is
>> informational.
>> Thanks
>> Max

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