TLS extension needed for HTTP/2.0

Matthew Hall mhall at
Tue Jul 23 22:50:16 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 05:41:52PM -0500, Zhong Yu wrote:
> Note that HTTP/2.0 is in very early stage; it's possible that the
> requirement of ALPN could be relaxed if there's difficulty to
> implement it on popular platforms; see this thread:

I'm not sure putting ALPN in there is the best idea, if you want this to work 
right on millions of already deployed but un-upgradeable mobile devices around 
the world.

I think maybe it makes more sense to have an HTTP/2.0 string like what's seen 
with HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 or some other such mechanism that doesn't cause 
contamination between the layers of the protocol stack.


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