TLS extension needed for HTTP/2.0

Xuelei Fan Xuelei.Fan at Oracle.COM
Thu Jul 25 23:47:34 UTC 2013

On 7/24/2013 6:41 AM, Zhong Yu wrote:
> Hi there,
> HTTP/2.0 draft (based on google's SPDY) requires the use of a new TLS
> extension (ALPN), see
> The current API does not support that, so it'll be a
> problem for someone trying to implement the HTTP/2.0 draft on Java
> platform. Is there a remedy to that?
Both HTTP 2.0 and ALPN extension are in early stage.  Java does not 
support ALPN at present.  But for a none-product environment, it is 
doable with a few update to OpenJDK by making use of the handshaking 

> If needs further development to be able to support ALPN,
> would you give a rough estimate on when it could be released? And
> would it be back ported to earlier versions of Java?
Looks like, to support ALPN, needs to design new APIs.  As 
make it hard to backport to earlier releases of Java.

Marketing and customer requirements are important factors when we design 
new features.

> What kind of API change do you envision that's necessary to expose
> ALPN negotiation process to applications?
I have no think about this too much. Probably, we might only need pulic 
APIs to expose the ALPN in handshaking session (SSLSession), and an 
handler to accept or reject the request (or have TrustManager do it 


> Note that HTTP/2.0 is in very early stage; it's possible that the
> requirement of ALPN could be relaxed if there's difficulty to
> implement it on popular platforms; see this thread:
I have not read this thread.  Is there any one suggest to use START TLS 
as an alternative solution?


> Thank you very much,
> Zhong Yu

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